Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fields of View examples

Rather then taking photos and showing you my mad skills (yea right) I'm out looking for interesting examples on how field of views can change on how you view things. Please Note: I DID NOT TAKE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PHOTOS IN THIS POST. I found them off of Google search. Thank-you Google, you make my life easier everyday. :)

First type of view is Narrow depth of field. Close up and real definitive but only in a little area.

The first picture I shows a field of mushrooms. Yea, according to my teacher, I think everyone choose the picture of mushrooms, why? I don't know. Great minds think alike? Or mabey we all like mushrooms. Second picture makes me laugh and it brings back good memories of my childhood, playing with bubbles for hours and hours. I really like the color scheme. The last photo in the section looks dramatic and gives me an unhappy mood comparatively to the first two photos.

Now comes the more challenging photos to find, middle depth o field. I think this represent what are eyes normally see, not to close up where you only really see a little, and not to far out where everything is crystal clear. But for me, just and average photographer, undertanding when narrow depth becomes middle depth and wide depth becomes middle depth is unknown. I tried, I think these photos show good examples of middle depth of field. First photo I really like, the color scheme is cool and collective and yet there is a sense of business atmosphere. Middle photo excited my crayon sences. I love crayons, good times, good times. Lat photo in this group is a close up photo of a bird, and yet every thing is in focus, not much, but it is shown.

Last group of photos: Wide depth of field. What comes into mind is lanscape photos after landscape photos which look the same. You can see for miles and miles, and everything is in focus. Usually there is a lot happening in the photo giving, allwoing your eye to run around and survey the whole thing over and over. First photo: Again your landscape photos, kinda looks like it's going to storm. Second photo, I think it might be a painting. But eh, painting/photo it's about the same thing. The properties and element remain the same. Third photo I choose because it looks like my hometown. I little fancier, but I think it looks like home in away.

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