Wednesday, April 4, 2012

CD Cover

I promised something big and hopefully worthwhile for those who visit my blog often. And here it is. My Assignment this time was to make up a CD cover for a fictious band/artist. I got the music Country. Go figure, the type of music that I really know nothing about. But I suppose that is the purpose of school, to make you learn about things that you really have no clue about. My lovely neighbor agreed to model in my cd album. Thanks to her, this assignment is possible.
    Here is the front cover design:

You can tell that this was highly photoshopped assignment because I had to create layer after layer just for 
text and the little bar code thing.

Inside Cover: 

I Really like the Inside cover, it looks so peaceful and country-ish. I didn't take either pictures for the inside cover though. Wait- isn't that the point of photography to take pictures of your own? Hmm, well I found these off of Google which is fair game, and then I edited the two pictures to molt together as one. So I did MAKE the picture, I just didn't take them. :) I took the rest though (Front and back-cover) are all mine. 

Back Cover: 

AHHH! What happened? I assure you that the back cover looked more proportionately in size when the actually version in photoshop was made, It just came out it a bit funny on here.    -__-
Do you enjoy the song titles? They make me laugh. 

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