Friday, March 23, 2012

Best Photos

Collection post? Best photos? I don't know but that sounds a little weird to do so far. Don't like famous photographers make collection books of there best photos then parade around showing it off? Me? Just and ammeter photographer. But it's only 3 photos. Just a small book I guess. So I this is it; the highlight of my photography so far of my best assignments.

                                                               From Welcome to March. Like I said in
the previous post; this one of my favorite pictures because of the absract look and yet there is 
a hidden face in the picture, looking directly at you. 

                                                                  From Kitty Morph. This isn't one of my favorites, but I have been told that it needs to be included in my small collection of best photos, boy does this one bring the ratings down. Haha. I just realized the other day that the cat's eyes natural would be facing the other way. (most likely) Yep, I'm a photoshop pro.

                                                                       Just in case you were wondering, this is what the original kitty morph photo was. Unedited.


This is a photo that at first I didn't like this photo, or the set of photos similar that I took. But somehow over time it wore on me, and I guess I really like it now, because somehow it ended up  'Best photos' post. You might be wonering what it is... It's one those ladder things that your plants grow on, it's like a cardinal climer ladder. I'm looking up in betweeen the middle of it. It was a clear beautiful day. Hint: It's the same weird thing that I posted in my last blog post 'Wamth' aka 'Solar' Hope you enjoy it.


I've been scratcing my head trying to figure out what I could do for 'warmth'. I could up the hue and make everything warm in contrast and color, but I think we are looking for the sun... so here are some several photos of the sun. I guess a better name for this post would be 'Solar'. 
Shutter 1/400
Aperture: 2.8 
Exposure: 0.00

I like this photo because of the nice solar glares, no, I didn't put them in either. :) 

                                                                            Shutter 1/500
                                                                            Apeture 2.8
                                                                            Exposure: 0.00

                 This is kind of a weird photo if you are looking for warmth. But you can clearly see some nice shadows contrasting paths with the wood. It was bright outside the day that I took these photos. I rember cause It was in February. It was the first true showing of the promise of spring to return and the solar warmth hitting down on my camera lens.

                                                                    Shutter 1/30
                                                                    Aperutere 2.8
                                                                     Exposure 0.00

                  So the moral of this post is that I can't decide on a good theme for the concept of 'warmth/solar' So I tired a varitey of different things including taking picture of my cute little kittens in the sun.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Welcome to March

Welcome to March, the snow starts to melt into mush and the ice is disappearing as it shows signs of a miraculous recovery from winter as a long awaiting spring comes. And now we are going to be shooting pictures of ice. Right when the ice on the river breaks and the crisp clean ice on my deck is now a pile of cold water, waiting to be evaporated. So what can I take a picture of? Man made Ice of course. Specially one that are shaped as stars, that dosn't look slightly fake at all. 

This is one of my favorite pictures that I have probley have taken in this class
Why? Because it's a good example of still life and abstract Meanwhile 
only the highly advance and highly educated can pick up the 
remains of a human face, looking at you. To me it kinda
looks like the Mona Lisa. By Leonardo Da Vinci.
Shutter 1/8
Aperture 3.7
Exposure 0.00

This is the natural color/shade that I took my pictures in, unlike the first 
photo in the top. :) I choose this photo because most of the photos I took 
look chaotic and messy, I think in this one that there is some organization
as I attempted to take a photo of the ice in an aline row, it didn't really turn out 
the neatest into rows as I would like, but it still is rather nice looking.
Oh, and if you are wondering what that dark blue thing is with lines, 
that is a beach towel, I used it for contrast reasons, because my counter (where
I took the photos) - is an ice blue color. And second, it made it easier to mop 
up drippy, melting ice cubes. 
Shutter 1/8
Aperture 2.8
Exposure 0.00

"Into the sink now!" I said as I dumped my slushy pile of half melted 
ice cubes into my counter sink. I guess that's done with. But as I starred 
at the mini mountain of ice in my sink, I thought that this would be a good place
to shoot some photos. So I did, and this is what came out of it. Good contrast
between the nice smooth ice and the scratchy sink. 

Shutter 1/8
Aperture 2.8
Exposure 0.00

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I've been taking some photos of action and speed
lately, yesterday actually. I went spying on the 6th grade   P.E. class while watching them in their roller skating unit. I guess now in photography class they are teaching us how to be spys. Rule number 1 while being a spy: Look like you belong in the senery. It was pretty obvious that didn't belong and neither did the rest of class while taking photos of the little tykes. But shortly after a few minutes and a warm welcoming by their teacher, they forgot we were even there, I guess there brain attention spans are slim. But that's OK becuase I just wanted to see them in action.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kitty Morph

            Guess what everyone? I get to finally play with photoshop in a real assignment! I mean like I get to really mess around and change things in photoshop. Our goal: To take a successful facial picture of an animal (my cat) and then take a successful picture of my face and then stick my eyes and mouth in the cats face. Challenge is, trying to make it look like it belongs, well as best as I can.

       I think my left eye turned out better. I am not really sure why, but I think it looks more natural. :/ Anyways, here's my photo, I hope you enjoy it

           Like the background? Yea, I don't. I tried blurring out the background but I couldn't Ughh stupid photoshop layers not allowing me to do what I want to do.
                                                Cat Photo info:
                                                   Shutter 1/4
                                                   Aperture is 2.8
                                                    My Face photo info:
                                                       Shutter is 1/30
                                                           Aperture 1/4

Monday, March 5, 2012

Photography Report

           Choosing any one photographer is a hard task to do. There are so many of them to choose from. While looking at the long list of possible candidates I came across a photographer named Debbie Fleming  Caffery. With such an unusual name I was curious to see what her works included. 

From her book Polly.

Debbie was born in 1948. She graduated from San Francisco’s Fine Art Institute. She has been taking pictures for over thirty years and is an expert in photography and in fine art. Debbie has produced many books of her photography, Carry Me Home, & Polly is just two of the books she has written. Growing up in Louisiana many of her pictures take place there. When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Debbie took many pictures showing the effects had on the land and on the people. She created a body pictures titled “Portrait of Neglect: Injustice of Hurricane Katrina" Debbie works are included in many permanent art museums including Museum of Modern Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Smithsonian Institute.

            The reason why I like Mrs. Caffery’s work is because photos are an eye full. They include tough matters from things like: Racism, poverty, and storms. Playing the emotional card, Debbie’s photos are eye catching. I think some of her photos are written like poems, but some are like short stories. I like short stories a lot.  Another big reason I why I really enjoy Debbie’s photography is because her photos actually have meaning.
            One of my favorite features of photography is black and white. Black and white pictures seem to make thing much more dramatic and bring out the contrast. Like a good book, the more drama the better. A lot of the pictures that I take are in black and white. 


Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Depth of Field

So now my task was to actually take pictures of different depths of field. Unlike the previous post I took these photos.

Narrow Depth of Field. I took this using the regular modlet mode. 
Shutter is 1/8
Aperture f/4.5
My dad has a collection of 'treasures' in his basement. This is his old American Flag that her used to have on his motorcycle. The story of why it looks so beaten is because my dad took a nasty dump on his bike. I'm sure that there was more to his story, something about going like 80mph when he crashed. But with so many weird things, all with stories to be told. It's hard to remember. 

Medium Depth of Field. I took this photo in portait mode. 
Shutter is 1/8 
Aperture is f/2.8 
Once again, this photo is here thanks to my dad's awesome and bizarre collection of things. My dad loves telling the stories of some of the things on the shelf. He told me once that every thing on the set of shelves has a story behind it, but that he only rembers like half of them. 

Wide depth of Field. I took this photo in portrait mode. 
Shutter is 1/8
Aperture is f/2.8
Right across from daddy's prize possession memorabilia, is daddy's work office. It's kinda chaotic but I think that is what makes a work office a work office. Paper are everywhere. Random books. Fancy wheely chair, cool PC. It's even more messy if I were to take a shot of the whole office , not just the desk area. 

This concludes are session of 'Depth of Field' While touring Daddy's at home office.