Friday, March 23, 2012

Best Photos

Collection post? Best photos? I don't know but that sounds a little weird to do so far. Don't like famous photographers make collection books of there best photos then parade around showing it off? Me? Just and ammeter photographer. But it's only 3 photos. Just a small book I guess. So I this is it; the highlight of my photography so far of my best assignments.

                                                               From Welcome to March. Like I said in
the previous post; this one of my favorite pictures because of the absract look and yet there is 
a hidden face in the picture, looking directly at you. 

                                                                  From Kitty Morph. This isn't one of my favorites, but I have been told that it needs to be included in my small collection of best photos, boy does this one bring the ratings down. Haha. I just realized the other day that the cat's eyes natural would be facing the other way. (most likely) Yep, I'm a photoshop pro.

                                                                       Just in case you were wondering, this is what the original kitty morph photo was. Unedited.


This is a photo that at first I didn't like this photo, or the set of photos similar that I took. But somehow over time it wore on me, and I guess I really like it now, because somehow it ended up  'Best photos' post. You might be wonering what it is... It's one those ladder things that your plants grow on, it's like a cardinal climer ladder. I'm looking up in betweeen the middle of it. It was a clear beautiful day. Hint: It's the same weird thing that I posted in my last blog post 'Wamth' aka 'Solar' Hope you enjoy it.

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