Friday, March 23, 2012


I've been scratcing my head trying to figure out what I could do for 'warmth'. I could up the hue and make everything warm in contrast and color, but I think we are looking for the sun... so here are some several photos of the sun. I guess a better name for this post would be 'Solar'. 
Shutter 1/400
Aperture: 2.8 
Exposure: 0.00

I like this photo because of the nice solar glares, no, I didn't put them in either. :) 

                                                                            Shutter 1/500
                                                                            Apeture 2.8
                                                                            Exposure: 0.00

                 This is kind of a weird photo if you are looking for warmth. But you can clearly see some nice shadows contrasting paths with the wood. It was bright outside the day that I took these photos. I rember cause It was in February. It was the first true showing of the promise of spring to return and the solar warmth hitting down on my camera lens.

                                                                    Shutter 1/30
                                                                    Aperutere 2.8
                                                                     Exposure 0.00

                  So the moral of this post is that I can't decide on a good theme for the concept of 'warmth/solar' So I tired a varitey of different things including taking picture of my cute little kittens in the sun.

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